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Watchtowers are seen along the perimeter of the Bagram prison, north of Kabul, on November 15, 2009. A human rights group is calling on the United States to develop a new detention policy with Kabul for a US military prison in Afghanistan dubbed the "Afghan Guantanamo." The detention center located at Bagram Air Base north of Kabul holds some 600 detainees captured by US forces in Afghanistan. AFP PHOTO/Massoud HOSSAINI (Photo credit should read MASSOUD HOSSAINI/AFP/Getty Images)
巴格拉姆監獄圖片來源: Getty Images


交接儀式並不壯觀,沒有什麼排場。高層人士都未出現,阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊和美籍國際安全部隊最高指揮官阿倫(John Allen)將軍均為到場,而喀布爾到巴格拉姆的距離不過40公里。這是一座具有爭議的監獄,也是阿美雙方不斷爭執的焦點之一。代表阿富汗政府參加監獄交接儀式的是國防部長納扎裡(Enayatullah Nazari)。他說:"我們對接管監獄很自豪。從今天起,對所有阿富汗囚犯負責的是我們自己的安全力量。"

A US captain is silhouetted as he looks on during a media tour of Bagram prison, north of Kabul, on November 15, 2009. A human rights group is calling on the United States to develop a new detention policy with Kabul for a US military prison in Afghanistan dubbed the "Afghan Guantanamo." The detention center located at Bagram Air Base north of Kabul holds some 600 detainees captured by US forces in Afghanistan. AFP PHOTO/Massoud HOSSAINI (Photo credit should read MASSOUD HOSSAINI/AFP/Getty Images)
巴格拉姆監獄位於北約基地圖片來源: Getty Images




這些人多半來自巴基斯坦。美軍監獄總管塔拉達什上校(Robert Taradash)說: "正如達成的協定,我們今天將3000多名阿富汗囚犯交付給你們。我們保證過,所有那些對夥伴構成威脅的人,不能再返回戰場。"


巴格拉姆一共關押了3000囚犯,其中大部分屬於所謂的"行政囚犯"。直白說來,他們是塔利班成員、起義者或者涉嫌此類恐怖主義者。但他們不能聘請律師,也不能公審。喀布爾衝突與和平研究中心主任卡爾塞(Hekmat Karzai )對巴格拉姆的現狀表示了憂慮:

Protest in Afghanistan over "Koran burning" by US troops epa03114905 An Afghan shows a copy of the holy Koran that was allegedly burnt by US soldiers during a protest in Bagram, about 60 kilometres (40 miles) north of Kabul, Afghanistan, 21 February 2012. Thousands of Afghans took to the street in a Bagram to protest the 'burning of the Koran' by NATO-led troops, officials said on 21 February. 'Protest is ongoing right now in front of Bagram airport gate and nearly 3,000 people are protesting right now,' Roshana Khalid, a spokeswoman for Parwan provincial government said. 'The Afghan labourers at the Bagram military airbase brought copies of Koran burnt by the coalition troops out of the base this morning.' EPA/S. SABAWOON
阿富汗百姓抗議焚燒《古蘭經》圖片來源: picture alliance/dpa



作者:Sandra Petersmann 編譯:李魚
