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Jordanians and Palestinians chant slogans and wave Muslim Brotherhood flags during a demonstration in the Jordanian capital Amman against Israel's deadly assault on the Gaza Strip March 2, 2008. More than 5,000 demonstrators marched peacefully from the headquarters of the Islamist-dominated trade unions to the parliament building in the city centre to protest Israel's deadly assault on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. AFP PHOTO/AWAD AWAD (Photo credit should read AWAD AWAD/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Awad Awad/AFP/Getty Images


埃及一家上诉法院裁定关于禁止伊斯兰穆斯林兄弟会的判决有效。首都开罗的司法圈内人士证实了这一消息。对该项裁定还可提出上诉。9月23日,开罗一家法院裁决穆兄会为非法,其财产应被没收。禁止穆兄会案是在左翼政党“全国进步工会党” (Tagammu)的推动下实现的。该党指控穆兄会危及国家安全。具泛阿拉伯主义倾向的穆兄会在前总统穆巴拉克垮台后举行的首次自由选举中获胜,穆兄会出身的穆尔西成为埃及历史上首位民选总统,但埃及局势并未因此趋稳。今年7月3日,穆尔西被军方罢黜,穆兄会的几乎整个领导层成员及数千名中下层官员被捕。本周一,针对穆尔西的审判案开庭。穆尔西受到指控,煽动杀害示威民众。