危地马拉前独裁者被判80年监禁 | 德国之声 来自德国 介绍德国 | DW | 11.05.2013



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Former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt salutes as he attends the restart of his genocide trial at the Supreme Court of Justice, in Guatemala City April 30, 2013. The trial has been up in the air after judges squabbled over who should hear the case following an order to annul nearly 18 months of proceedings. Rios Montt, 86, is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity for a counterinsurgency plan conceived under his 1982-1983 rule that killed 1,771 members of the Ixil indigenous group in one of the bloodiest phases of Guatemala's civil war. REUTERS/Jorge Dan Lopez (GUATEMALA - Tags: POLITICS CRIME LAW)

Guatemala - Prozess gegen Jose Efrain Rios Montt

危地马拉前独裁者蒙特(Rios Montt)被以种族屠杀和反人类罪判处80年有期徒刑。首都危地马拉城的一家法院做出裁决,蒙特在80年代统治时期,要为至少1700名玛雅人的死亡负责。法官表示,在其领导的军政府执政期间,数千人遭到酷刑虐待、强暴和驱逐。蒙特欲对这一判决提出上诉。在法庭上,他驳回了所有的指控,并称这一审判是“在国际上作秀”。现年86岁的蒙特曾经在1982年通过军事政变上台,不过在位时间仅一年。