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WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 26, 2013: A woman wearing oversized sunglasses lettered with the words "stop spying" listens to speakers during the Stop Watching Us Rally protesting surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency, on October 26, 2013, in front of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. The rally began at Union Station and included a march that ended in front of the U.S. Capitol building and speakers such as author Naomi Wolf and former senior National Security Agency senior executive Thomas Drake. (Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images


《纽约时报》报道称,奥巴马总统计划终止美情报机构对盟国国家和政府领导人的电子监控。该报周二(10月29日)援引政府官员和国会议员报道说,奥巴马总统由此对美国与盟国之间 “监控门”外交危机做出反应。此前,有关联邦德国政府总理默克尔的手机通信多年里受到美国国家安全局监听的报道使相关外交危机加深。当地时间周一晚间,白宫表示,有关美国情报机构—国家安全局对盟友实施电子监听,政府方面虽尚未作出最终决定,但政府愿意禁止对盟友的监听活动,标志着美国国家安全局的活动将出现根本性转变。