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Title: Infolady project wins Global Media Forum award Description: This year's Global Media Forum Award went to the project Infolady from Bangladesh. Finalists in the category addressed issues tied to the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2013, which looks at "The Future of Growth - Economic Values and the Media." The Infolady project helps equip women with digital cameras, mobile phones and laptops to travel by bike to rural areas and answer questions related to health, agriculture and development. "Infoladies brings life-saving information about health, education and a number of other services to the poorest people in Bangladesh," the jury said. Keywords: Infolady, Bangladesh, Global Media Forum, Infoladies, d.net Decleration: All these photos were sent by d.net and photo copyright should be: D.net/Amirul Rajiv. Please check the below E-Mail for more information.
Infolady Projekt gewinnt Global Media Forum Auszeichnung图像来源: D.net/Amirul Rajiv

(德国之声中文网)玛夫萨(Mahfuza Akter)一直希望念大学,然而窘迫的家庭环境让她无法实现梦想。她的家乡位于孟加拉北部的戈伊班达地区,但手中那一张高中毕业证书让这个农村姑娘几乎没有机会在那附近一带寻求到一份工作。然而2010年幸运之神敲响了她的门:她成为了"信息使女"的一员。如今,25岁的玛夫萨从事着一项不同寻常的工作,而她的工作搭档就是一辆自行车,一些高科技设备和一群社会组织精英。



Title: Infolady project wins Global Media Forum award Description: This year's Global Media Forum Award went to the project Infolady from Bangladesh. Finalists in the category addressed issues tied to the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2013, which looks at "The Future of Growth - Economic Values and the Media." The Infolady project helps equip women with digital cameras, mobile phones and laptops to travel by bike to rural areas and answer questions related to health, agriculture and development. "Infoladies brings life-saving information about health, education and a number of other services to the poorest people in Bangladesh," the jury said. Keywords: Infolady, Bangladesh, Global Media Forum, Infoladies, d.net Decleration: All these photos were sent by d.net and photo copyright should be: D.net/Amirul Rajiv. Please check the below E-Mail for more information.
2013年德国之声国际博客大赛“全球媒体论坛奖”的获得者——孟加拉社会项目“信息使女”(“Infolady”)图像来源: D.net/Amirul Rajiv



Mahfuza Akter, 25 Jahre, Mitglied des Projekts Infolady aus Bangladesch Foto wurde von Akter selbst zur Verfügung gestellt Bild nur im Zusammenhang mit Berichterstattung über Infolady benutzen
“信息使女”玛夫萨(Mahfuza Akter)图像来源: privat


在孟加拉,只有5%的人口(估约15万至16万居民)拥有连接互联网的途径,农村地区则更少。虽然在农村地区设有专供的公共信息中心"Pallitathya Hubs",但是很少有人去使用。Dnet公司的副总裁默沙洛夫先生(Hossain Mosharrof)说:"信息使女让边缘地区的居民也被纳入信息覆盖的范围。其实和其他人一样,边缘地区的居民对信息和信息服务有同样多的需求。"


Title: Infolady project wins Global Media Forum award Description: This year's Global Media Forum Award went to the project Infolady from Bangladesh. Finalists in the category addressed issues tied to the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2013, which looks at "The Future of Growth - Economic Values and the Media." The Infolady project helps equip women with digital cameras, mobile phones and laptops to travel by bike to rural areas and answer questions related to health, agriculture and development. "Infoladies brings life-saving information about health, education and a number of other services to the poorest people in Bangladesh," the jury said. Keywords: Infolady, Bangladesh, Global Media Forum, Infoladies, d.net Decleration: All these photos were sent by d.net and photo copyright should be: D.net/Amirul Rajiv. Please check the below E-Mail for more information.
在她们的挎包里有随身携带的笔记本电脑、数码照相机、网络调制解调器和医疗保健的基本设备图像来源: D.net/Amirul Rajiv




Title: Infolady project wins Global Media Forum award Description: This year's Global Media Forum Award went to the project Infolady from Bangladesh. Finalists in the category addressed issues tied to the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2013, which looks at "The Future of Growth - Economic Values and the Media." The Infolady project helps equip women with digital cameras, mobile phones and laptops to travel by bike to rural areas and answer questions related to health, agriculture and development. "Infoladies brings life-saving information about health, education and a number of other services to the poorest people in Bangladesh," the jury said. Keywords: Infolady, Bangladesh, Global Media Forum, Infoladies, d.net Decleration: All these photos were sent by d.net and photo copyright should be: D.net/Amirul Rajiv. Please check the below E-Mail for more information.
信息使女的日常工作包括定期与一些利益需求群体碰面谈话,比如农民、孕妇或者失业人员图像来源: D.net/Amirul Rajiv


"信息使女"项目对本届全球媒体论坛的主题"增长的未来"有贡献意义,因此被2013德国之声全球博客大赛评委会选为"全球媒体论坛奖"的获得者。评委会成员阿拉姆(Shahidul Alam)在解释颁奖理由时说:"这是一个开创性的项目,同时它跨越了社会、文化和数码的界限。因为信息使女,很多人第一次享受到了他们的基本权利。"


作者:Anne Le Touzé 编译:微文
