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Police personnel march towards the activists of Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh's biggest Islamist party, during a clash in Rajshahi, February 28, 2013. A Bangladesh tribunal convicted an Islamist party leader and sentenced him to death on Thursday, the third verdict by the court set up to investigate abuses during the country's independence war, triggering widespread protests by supporters in which at least 15 people were killed. REUTERS/Stringer (BANGLADESH - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CRIME LAW RELIGION)
孟加拉国骚乱图像来源: Reuters

孟加拉国的伊斯兰领袖侯赛因·萨义迪(Delwar Hossain Sayedee)在2月28日被“国际战争罪法庭”因战争罪判处死刑,该判决在孟加拉国引发骚乱,目前已造成至少42人死亡,近300人受伤,多栋政府支持者的住所被焚毁。在判决公开前,侯赛因所在的伊斯兰大会党就呼吁全国总罢工,要求释放萨义迪。孟加拉政府宣布安全部队进入最高警戒状态,首都达卡出动了约一万名警察。现年73岁的萨义迪被控对1971年孟加拉国独立战争中的大规模屠杀、强奸等多项罪行负责。出于政治考虑,萨义迪本人拒绝了指控。