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Bangladeshi soldiers assist volunteers and rescue workers looking for survivors three days after an eight-storey building collapsed in Savar, on the outskirts of Dhaka on April 27, 2013. Police arrested two textile bosses over a Bangladeshi factory disaster as the death toll climbed to 332 and distraught relatives lashed out at rescuers trying to detect signs of life. AFP PHOTO/ Munir uz ZAMAN (Photo credit should read MUNIR UZ ZAMAN/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: MUNIR UZ ZAMAN/AFP/Getty Images

(德国之声中文网)到目前为止,上周三发生的建筑倒塌事故造成超过380人死亡。普遍认为,仍被压埋在废墟中的人员生还基本无望,所以有关当局已经启动重型设备清理事故现场。孟加拉纺织协会副主席阿兹姆(Shahidullah Azim)在首都达卡与外国大型客户会晤之前接受法新社采访时说到:"我们将向他们保证,我们会采取必要的步骤,防止这样的悲剧再次发生。……我们将请求他们的理解,恳求客户不要取消订单或者把货物退回来。"


The citizens queue to buy clothes at the gate of a newly-opened store of Swedish giant H&M on April 12, 2007 in Shanghai, China. Hennes & Mauritz (H&M), the largest clothing and cosmetics retailer in Sweden, will open its first store in Shanghai on April 12, 2007. (Photo by Yang Lei/ChinaFotoPress) +++(c) dpa - Report+++
孟加拉制衣厂拥有多个欧美客户,其中包括瑞典瑞典零售品牌H&M图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


出事地点萨瓦尔(Savar)位于孟加拉首都达卡市郊。本周一(4月29日),两辆起重机进入运作,清理移除数吨混凝土废墟。之前救援人员连日来在废墟中搜救幸存者。因为担忧会伤及被压埋在废墟中的人员所以一直没有动用重型机器。在上周日(4月28日),倒塌大楼废墟起火,可能是最后一位被困在废墟的幸存者因此死亡。另外还有三位消防人员受伤。消防负责人阿里·阿穆德(Ali Ahmed Khan)说到:"(那位被困)的女性非常勇敢,她一直都没有放弃。"处理团队的一位领导人作出保证,即使他们现在怀疑瓦砾中已不会有幸存者,不过还是会"非常谨慎"的进行清理活动。爆发示威

A Bangladeshi woman works in a textile factory on the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2005. The European Union has decided to give Bangladesh zero tariff entry into its $ 70 billion clothing market from July this year, a move that may boost the country's export to the EU, according to media reports. Bangladesh, a nation of 140 million people, earns three-fourths of its foreign exchange from textile exports. The industry directly employs 1.8 million people and indirectly provides work for about 5 million. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)
纺织业占孟加拉国出口总量的约80%。图像来源: AP

到目前为止,官方证实的死亡人数是382人。不过普遍估计,通过使用重型设备清理现场,还会发现更多的尸体残骸。在事发当时约有3000人在工厂停留,约有2500人幸免于难。这是孟加拉史上最严重的工业事故。孟加拉总理谢赫·哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina)在周一前往事故发生地点进行视察并探望了在医院就诊的伤员。在这期间,再次有数千名纺织工人走上街头举行示威,要求判处倒塌大楼内制衣厂主死刑。根据警方的数据,大约有1.5万人参加了抗议活动。一家地方电视台的报道,有示威者点燃了汽车,因此警方动用了橡皮子弹和催泪瓦斯。


Bangladeshi Army personnel and civilian volunteers work on the scene at a building collapse in Savar, on the outskirts of Dhaka, on April 24, 2013. An eight-storey building containing several garment factories collapsed in Bangladesh, killing at least 82 people and further highlighting safety problems in the clothing industry. Armed with concrete cutters and cranes, hundreds of fire service and army rescue workers struggled to find survivors in the mountain of concrete and mangled steel, which resembled the aftermath of an earthquake. AFP PHOTO/ Munir uz ZAMAN (Photo credit should read MUNIR UZ ZAMAN/AFP/Getty Images)
孟加拉官方证实大楼倒塌事件已造成382人遇难。死亡人数或会上升图像来源: MUNIR UZ ZAMAN/AFP/Getty Images

来源:法新社      编译:文木
