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巴基斯坦发生炸弹袭击 至少11位女大学生死亡

epa03745844 Pakistani security officials inspect a university bus after a bomb explosion in Quetta, the provincial capital of restive Balochistan province, Pakistan, 15 June 2013. At least 11 students, all of them female, were killed and more than 17 wounded in a bomb explosion as the students were getting on the bus at the Sardar Bahadur Khan Women's University in the provincial capital of Quetta. EPA/STR
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


巴基斯坦西南地区曾多次发生针对在校女性的袭击。去年巴基斯坦儿童权利活动家马拉拉(Malala Yousafzai)遇袭事件曾震惊世界。三年来她都在博客中报道了她在巴基斯坦的艰难生活。去年10月她遭到塔利班枪袭击中头部。幸存的马拉拉目前在英国生活。