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An 11-year-old Chinese baby suffering from ureteral stones caused by contaminated milk powder is fed with milk at the No.1 Hostpial of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) in Lanzhou city, northwest Chinas Gansu province, 17 September 2008. China said on Wednesday (September 17) that a third infant had died after drinking contaminated milk and the number sick had leapt to many thousands, while an official said the health threat was concealed for at least a month. The number of children ill after drinking powdered milk laced with the compound melamine had risen nearly five-fold to 6,244, and those with acute kidney failure had reached 158, Health Minister Chen Zhu told a news conference. A government probe announced on Tuesday showed a fifth of 109 dairy producers checked made batches of products adulterated with melamine, which is banned from use in foods. +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Milchskandal in China Baby Milch Milchpulver图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


中国当局开始对主要为外国公司的多家婴幼儿配方奶粉生产商展开反价格垄断调查后,两家大型奶粉生产商表示将对主要产品降价。法国食品公司达能(Danone)周四在巴黎宣布,其中国子公司多美滋(Dumex)准备在与中国国家发改委商定后开展降价活动。之前,瑞士雀巢公司宣布,其子公司惠氏(Wyeth Nutrition)将“将立即开展主要产品的降价活动”,“其中单品最高降价幅度达20%”,这些产品2014年也将继续优惠供应给中国市场。中国2008年爆发三聚氰胺婴幼儿奶粉事件,30多万名婴幼儿因食用添加了三聚氰胺的奶粉患病,6人死亡。该事件后,中国消费者更多选择购买外国厂家奶粉。中国奶粉进口热今春甚至导致德国出现婴幼儿配方奶粉货源紧张。