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epa03624076 German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel during European Council meeting at the European Council headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, 14 March 2013. The Council will discuss the economic situation and outlook, as well as foreign affairs, including the EU's relations with Russia and the conflicts in Syria and Mali. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

周四, 欧盟国家和政府领导人在布鲁塞尔举行会晤,共同商讨摆脱严重经济危机的途径。欧盟国家首脑们首先与欧盟议会负责人马丁·舒尔茨(Martin Schulz)交换了意见。这位德国社民党的欧洲政治家在会晤时表示, “经济形势无疑是紧张的。” 欧盟首脑将在为期2天的会议上对本年度的经济和预算进行中间结算。在意大利选举中出现大量抗议性投票和塞浦路斯发生严重金融危机之后的局势虽然没有被列入会议的仪式日程,但是与会者表示将就这一问题展开讨论。