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ARCHIV - Pakistani soldiers secure an area on top of Kund mountain near Kotkai village in South Waziristan, 29 October 2009. Pakistani security forces launched a large-scale offensive to eliminate the Taliban and al-Qaeda network in the South Waziristan tribal region on 17 October 2009. Eight German nationals thought to be Islamist militants were killed Monday night, October 04, 2010 in a strike by a suspected US unmanned drone in Pakistan. The pilotless aircraft fired two missiles at a house in Pakistan's tribal region along the Afghan border, Pakistani security officials said. The group was believed to be behind the recently uncovered plot to carry out terrorist attacks in Britain, France and Germany.EPA/NICOLAS ASFOURI/ +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Symbolbild Geheimdienst Deutsche Islamisten in Pakistan图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa
