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Election campaign posters are pictured near Zimbabweans walking on a street blocked by uncollected garbage in Harare July 17, 2013. President Robert Mugabe's rivals said on Wednesday the chaotic organisation of early voting for soldiers and police showed Zimbabwe was not ready for a July 31 general election in which more than six million people are registered to vote. Mugabe's main rival, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, told a rally that the long queues seen during two days of special voting for 70,000 police officers and soldiers clearly showed the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) was ill-prepared. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo (ZIMBABWE - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
图像来源: Reuters


津巴布韦大选投票一天后,竞选连任的现总统穆加贝让其支持者宣布他已获胜。穆加贝所在的执政党—非洲民族联盟—爱国阵线(ZANU-PF)的一名领导成员周四(8月1日)对法新社表示,“我们已获得令人信服的胜利”,政府总理茨万吉拉伊(Morgan Tsvangirai)领导的争取民主变革运动(MDC)“被击败”。现年89岁的穆加贝已连续执政33年。茨万吉拉伊是其多年的政治竞争对手。有640万选民的津巴布韦昨天举行下届议会和总统选举。据选举委员会称,此次大选有较高的参选率。正式计票结果将在数天内公布。茨万吉拉伊已是第四次竞选总统。非洲联盟称,选举过程中未发生大的违规现象。地方观察员则表示,此次选举的可信度受到严重威胁。在2008年的上届大选中,茨万吉拉伊阵营首轮投票领先,但在发生其支持者遭到大规模血腥攻击事件后,他宣布退选,并被迫同意与穆加贝分享权力。