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西班牙承认融资困难 拟引入欧元基金



A Spanish Euro coin is photographed in Nauen near Berlin Wednesday, April 4, 2012. Spain's latest effort to bring its public finances under control failed to reassure investors Wednesday and the country's borrowing costs rose sharply in the secondary bond markets. In an auction of medium-term debt, its first test of investor sentiment since last Friday's euro 27 billion (US$ 36 billion) deficit-reduction package, Spain only sold euro 2.6 billion (US$ 3.5 billion). That was at the bottom end of the euro 2.5 billion to euro 3.5 billion target it was looking to raise from the sales of bonds that mature in 2015, 2016 and 2020. (Foto:Ferdinand Ostrop/AP/dapd)
图像来源: AP


西班牙首相拉霍伊日前表达了引入欧盟共同国债的意愿。他在议会发言指出,欧洲需要一个拥有欧元基金的银行联盟。在此之前,拉霍伊一直未就该问题作出明确表态。与此同时,拉霍伊还希望设立一个欧盟的共同金融监管机构。西班牙财长蒙特罗(Cristobal Montoro)此前承认,该国银行危机已经引起了政府融资困难。蒙特罗认为,这主要是因为西班牙国债的利率过高。