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FRANKFURT, GERMANY - OCTOBER 11: A poster, showing British writer and 2007 Nobel Prize in literature winner Doris Lessing at the Frankfurt Book Fair October 11, 2007 in Frankfurt, Germany. Around 280,000 visitors are expected at Frankfurt book fair that runs until October 14, the world's largest event of it's type and this year's guest of honour is Catalan culture. (Photo by Ralph Orlowski/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images

曾获得诺贝尔文学奖的英国女作家多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing)去世,享年94岁。莱辛的经纪人和友人克劳斯(Jonathan Clowes)证实了这一消息。莱辛1919年出生于今伊朗,6岁时随父母迁居罗得西亚(今津巴布韦)。莱辛作品的主题主要涉及非洲和女性权益,共出版过60部作品,其代表作有《金色笔记本》、《暴力的孩子们》等。2007年莱辛获得诺贝尔文学奖。克劳斯引述其家人的描述称,莱辛于11月17日凌晨在伦敦安静地离开了人世。