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Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yuxiao (C) visits a victim of the Collum Coal mine wages riot at Levy Mwanawasa Hospital on August 6, 2012 in Lusaka. Zambia's police arrested 12 people over the death of a Chinese manager in a wage riot at a Sino-owned coal mine known for sometimes violent tensions with workers. Wu Shengzai, 50, died after being hit by a trolley which was pushed toward him as he fled underground. A Chinese colleague was also injured in the attack in Sinazongwe, 325 kilometres (200 miles) south of Lusaka. AFP PHOTO / STRINGER (Photo credit should read -/AFP/GettyImages)
Sambia Protest Bergleute图像来源: P/Getty Images

一名赞比亚矿工周三因为涉嫌在示威活动中杀害一名中国经理遭到警方起诉。多名矿工8月4日在位于首都卢萨卡南方325公里处的中资科蓝煤矿举行示威,抗议薪资低于标准,示威活动最后演变为流血冲突。现年25岁的阿列克斯·辛德布卡(Alex Sindebuka)被控谋杀罪,其他11人则因偷窃和暴动遭起诉。50岁的中国籍经理吴生崽被采矿车撞倒后死亡,另一名中国员工在抗议活动中受伤。目前警方仍在搜寻涉嫌谋杀的其他三人。中国驻赞比亚使馆要求警方彻查此案并严惩凶手。中方也要求改善保安措施以保障中国员工安全。中资在蕴含大量铜矿的赞比亚投资一亿美元,但中方企业和赞比亚矿工之间一直存在矛盾,该国矿工指控部分企业虐待员工和工资过低。