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Das Brandenburger Tor spiegelt sich am Freitag (16.03.2012) in einer Fensterscheibe in Berlin. Für das kommende Wochenende sagen die Meteorologen Temperaturen bis 20 Grad voraus. Foto: Sebastian Kahnert dpa/lbn +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ Traffic moves on the Champs-Elysees avenue, coming from and heading towards the Arc de Triomphe, Friday, Sept. 19, 2003 in Paris. France is considering a London-style vehicle congestion charge for Paris in an effort to reduce choking pollution which has pushed the capital close to emergency traffic restrictions, Ecology Minister Roselyne Bachelot said Friday. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa/dapd/DW


法国新当选总统奥朗德的顾问莫斯科维奇(Pierre Moscovici)表示相信,法德两国政府能够取得一致,消除有关欧盟经济增长战略的争议。负责奥朗德下周履新仪式的莫斯科维奇周二(5月8日)对德国电视台表示,双方将找到一项妥协方案。上周日赢得法国下届总统选举的社会党人士奥朗德明确表示,将要求制定新的经济增长战略,以补充旨在严格预算纪律的欧盟财政公约。联邦德国总理默克尔昨天重申,拒绝重新谈判欧盟财政公约。奥朗德将在下周正式就任总统一职后立即访问柏林。