Babies, Bundeswehr and Late Retirement | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 16.02.2006
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Babies, Bundeswehr and Late Retirement

DW-WORLD readers have recently commented on a German restaurant that bans babies, deploying the army during the World Cup and plans to raise the German retirement age.

Not welcome for dinner in at least one German restaurant

Not welcome for dinner in at least one German restaurant

The following comments reflect the views of our readers. Not all reader comments have been published. DW-WORLD reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Baby ban in restaurants

I applaud Mr. Degle for catering to his regular clientele. I would consider dining in an adult only (and dog friendly) restaurant a real treat. There have been way too many times I have dined out only to have my dinner interrupted by noisy, misbehaved children who obviously had no home training. When I see children enter a restaurant, I'm always on edge wondering how the night is going to go. Why not have the option of going someplace where I know I will have a peaceful night. Besides, there are more than enough establishments that would gladly welcome underage diners. I wish more restaurants in America would follow Mr. Degle's example. -- alphakat

The restaurant owner should be decorated by the German government. If that happened here in California, he would probably be attacked as a small minded man instead of someone with a lot of common sense. I take my hat off to him. -- abn_ed

Next time we will read of old people banned -- they tend to speak too aloud and this is noise to other clients -- and of course of ugly girls/ladies, as they affect negatively the scene. Non-EU citizens are to be refused to enter German restaurants, obviously, for their nutritional preferences. As a very happy parent of six (calm and quiet) children, I stay on Jana Schmid's side. -- dsturaro, Italy

Using the Bundeswehr for the World Cup

Bundeswehrsoldaten schieben Schnee - Katastrophenarlam wegen Schneemassen

They've been used to shovel snow, so why not deploy them during the World Cup?

Instead of using the army to help with security at the games, why not enlist the military police? Don't let what happened in World War II influence the security of the people and a nation when help is needed. Put the military in police clothes, who will know the difference? That was then, this is now. Take care of the people and athletes even for a short period of time. Stop mixing politics with sports, look what happened to the US and USSR (at the time) during two Olympics in the past. Take care of the people and let the games begin. -- Stephan H. Pollack

It is desirable to separate the police force from the army, but I cannot see why in such an event as the World Cup, the areas of responsibility could not be divided among them. The safety of the people and the good name of Germany are at stake. -- pconvent

I see no problem with this. What's the issue? The German armed forces I worked with before where professionals, they knew their job and did it very well. -- Mad_DogMoody

Retirement at 67

Renten - Wie sicher sind sie? Gesellschaft, Senioren, Renten p178

German senior citizens might be working longer in the future

The old have so much to contribute. I believe a plan whereby those who choose to retire at a later age get a scaling financial benefit from it would be a win-win proposition: Get an x percent income increase to work from 65 to 70 and double that increase from 70 to 75, if workers meet a set of physical and mental assessments. Folks would also stay healthier. -- fmarin, Mexico

Both of our nations face the difficulty of taking back the largess that politicians from a different time granted citizens so as to buy votes. Good for Germany for trying. I hope your nation remains a world economic power by the time all of this comes into full effect. But from what we read in America, Germany is unhealthy. We also see real hope for your nation in the person of your new leader. Aside from appreciation of her thoughts, she is identified as straight forward and smart in our media. Seems a big majority of American citizens also like her strong and confident character. I hope she lives up to the promise we see in her and you guys recuperate back to a world class economic engine. -- Randy Egan

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  • Date 16.02.2006
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (win)
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  • Date 16.02.2006
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (win)
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