DW-WORLD.DE – a business partner of choice | DW's distribution possibilities | DW | 14.11.2001
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Business & Sales

DW-WORLD.DE – a business partner of choice

We are wherever you are. Find out about the partnership opportunities that could enhance your internet offering here.

If you are an internet property or part of one that is looking to offer your users independent and credible news and background information on Germany or Europe, then you‘ve come to the right place.

Deutsche Welle‘s online presence has offered its users content in 31 languages since 1994. Today, it is a content partner of choice for both developed and smaller internet properties that are looking to broaden their reach and present their users with a multi-media online experience. Whether you are a regional, national or international web site that is interested in building a partnership with Deutsche Welle, you need look no further.

DW-WORLD.DE goes beyond offering its users and partners news. Experienced journalists work around the clock to ensure that content remains current and provide background information on relevant topics spanning politics, economics, arts, culture, lifestyle, science and technology.

Furthermore, DW-WORLD.DE presents audio, video and text content in a user-friendly, integrated environment. It also offers an interactive German language course that is available to partners looking to offer users more than a virtual trip to Germany and ensures good return traffic to a site.

Please contact DW-WORLD.DE on online.sales@dw-world.de should you be interested in exploring tailor-made content partnerships with, or placing advertising on, DW-WORLD.DE.

EINSCHRÄNKUNG DW Personenfoto | Corporate Communications | Carla Hagemann

Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


T +49.228.429.2042
