Liz Baffoe, actress | Homepage of DW's corporate website. | DW | 06.03.2015
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Liz Baffoe, actress

Hello, I'm Liz Baffoe, and I support "We are Germany" because I'd like to show the world that people of all faiths, ethnic backgrounds and skin colors are welcome here.

As an actress, I have a special role in this. Through my work I'm in the public eye. That gives me the opportunity to be a role model for others.

Everyone in Germany can freely express their opinions. Some people, however, use this right to incite prejudice against a race or religion. But the vast majority of people in this country know how important and great it is to live in a tolerant and diverse society.

EINSCHRÄNKUNG DW Personenfoto | Corporate Communications | Carla Hagemann

Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


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