Pramila Krishnan, India | Asia | DW | 17.07.2013
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Pramila Krishnan, India

The journalist from India's southern city of Chennai wants to sensitize people to the causes and effects of climate change. The recent workshop "Reporting on Climate Change" came in handy.

Pramila Krishnan, participant of DW Akademie's workshop Reporting on Climate Change in Chennai, India. (June 2013, photo: Kyle James). .

DW Akademie Workshop Indien

27 year-old Pramila Krishnan works for the newspaper "Deccan Chronicle" in Chennai and focuses on issues relating to social injustices and environmental protection. This prompted her to take part in DW Akademie’s regional workshop, "Reporting on Climate Change". The workshop in Chennai looked at India's challenges in waste management and the empty promises made by local energy companies.

What did you gain from the two-week workshop?

I now feel motivated to look even closer at issues relating to environmental protection and conservation. I also enjoyed exchanging views and experiences with other participants, and I'm going back to my newspaper with an array of new ideas.

What impressed you most?

Discussing social structures and climate change – issues that are often ignored by the Indian media. Our trainer, Alex Kirby, has been looking at these issues for years, and suggested new ways of approaching them. The trip to Chennai’s coal power stations was impressive and at the same time it was shocking to see the extent of environmental damage there.

Were there other new aspects for you?

Yes. Alex and the co-trainer, Kyle James, gave us tips on how to sell stories focusing on sensitive issues like these. Although Indian editors are often skeptical, it’s possible to convince them with strong arguments.

I also learned about various journalists' networks, and because we produced several articles for a magazine project, I gained insights into new workflows such as how to lay out a magazine.

How were the group dynamics?

We worked extremely well together. When it came to writing articles we were all very focused, sharing information, ideas and feedback, and that's reflected in the final product. All in all, the workshop provided a great learning experience.

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  • Date 17.07.2013
  • Author Ralf Witzler / hw
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  • Date 17.07.2013
  • Author Ralf Witzler / hw
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