Readers Express Support for Schroeder's Iran Trip | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 26.02.2009
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Readers Express Support for Schroeder's Iran Trip

Most readers support Ex-Chancellor Schroeder's recent meeting with Iran's president in Tehran. Readers also wrote in to discuss how best to save Saab and Opel.

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in Tehran

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. Not all reader comments have been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Schroeder in Tehran

Schroeder is doing a sensible thing by talking to the leaders of Iran. I find this attitude of not wanting to talk to the leaders of another country because they do not accept my point of view childish and shortsighted. Some nations really think that bombs are preferable to words. But are they? -- Reiner Schmitt, Australia

By speaking out against President Ahmadinejad, Gerhard Schroeder is showing courage like he showed when standing up against the former US administration and kept Germany out of a tragic war in Iraq. For that Schroeder still has much admiration around the globe and that quality still gains him invitations and valuable contacts with world leaders. -- G. Gosau, Canada.

In today's world where only a few think they have the rights to speak up, there is a need for others (Germany for example) to move themselves a little and raise their voice on issues where it is needed most. Countries and their leaders should not only think about themselves and their leadership? In today's globalised world, leaders should have the courage to raise their voice for other human beings who are unable to defend themselves against unjustice. -- Abdul Samad, Afghanistan

I think it is good that Schroeder is meeting with the Iranian leader and I agree with the statement by Iran's ambassador in Berlin, Aliresa Sheikh-Attar, that "The relations between Teheran and Berlin are too important to be overshadowed by a subject such as the Holocaust." -- Victoria, US

Germany has serious problems with corruption and security breaches regarding its politicians. Gerhard Schroeder should be serving a life sentence for high treason. That he is free and causing more problems for Germany shows how corrupt German society is. -- Gerhard, Canada

Saving Opel and Saab

The car industries are not state owned but private companies. Like all private companies they stand or fall by the product they make. The car-buying public will look at the true value of the product they buy and not just the badge on the front. Millions were pumped into Rover to keep the patient alive. Saab could be the same and others need to fail to stop the car manufacturers from treating its customers with contempt. -- Bob Hancock, Great Britain

Whether or not the Swedish government stepped in to save or take over SAAB is one question, how they would do it is another: lending money, exchanging money for shares, nationalizing and compensating for net assets. A lot depends on whether it can be turned around. Losing money one year is one thing, losing money for 5 or 6 years is another. I think that the Swedish people are able to make vehicles quite well. Whether they can make a viable business out of it is what would save the jobs for the people there and continue the tax revenues for the government there as well. Why governments like production to stay at home is because they can tax the workers on their income as well as the company, and more money is spent in the local economy as well. If you balance those issues out, it may be economical for them to try to do something to save SAAB. One thing is sure, they will have to reduce labour costs one way or another - down to zero if they go under. -- Phil Roslin, Canada

My advice in regards to Opel and the German government is to tell you what is happening in Australia with GM Australian subsidiary Holden and the Australian government. Holden and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd along with his Treasurer Mr Wayne Swan have come to an agreement where by Holden will be producing a small hybrid car, probably 1.5 litre to 1.8 litre in size. Holden will be receiving funding and help from the federal government to produce these type of cars in Australia so that there is a car manufacturing industry here. I would say that Chancellor Merkel and her ministers should consider this option to save some jobs and get the wheels of manufacturing going in Germany. -- Stuart John Pearson, Australia

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  • Date 26.02.2009
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  • Date 26.02.2009
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (ot)
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