Sieren, Frank | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 23.05.2013
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Sieren, Frank

Bestselling Author, Documentary Film Maker, Senior Asia Columnist for Handelsblatt, Peking, China

Referent Frank Sieren auf dem Global Media Forum 2013 Bildrechte: Verwertungsrechte im Kontext des Global Media Forums 2013 eingeräumt.

FrankSieren has lived in China since the 1990s and reports about the country for several major German newspapers, such as the weekly "Die Zeit" and the business newspaper "Handelsblatt". "The Times" of London has called him one of "Germany's definitive experts on China". He published a monograph in 2004, "The China Code", which topped the economics books bestsellers list for months. In 2011 he published a book called "Angst vor China - Wie die neue Weltmacht unsere Krise nutzt" ("Fear of China - How the New World Power is Using Our Crisis"), describing China's rational economic strategy. His latest publication, in 2013, is called "Geldmacht China - Wie der Aufstieg des Yuan Euro und Dollar schwächt" ("China as Financial Power - How the Rise of the Yuan is Weakening the Euro and the Dollar").

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