The soccer ambassador | DW's press releases | DW | 13.11.2012
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The soccer ambassador

TV magazine Kick off!, starting December 25

Soccer coach Rudolf "Rudi" Gutendorf has seen more of the world than most. The man from Koblenz, Germany has worked as a coach on 56 training jobs in 28 countries. Now, Gutendorf is patron of the German Soccer Ambassadors initiative, which enables soccer fans around the globe to choose coaches and players that they feel present the sport in the best light. Gutendorf has witnessed countless matches during his lifetime - and he hasn't forgotten a single one. The magazine program Kick off! devotes a special edition to this ambassador of soccer.

TV magazine:
Kick off!

Broadcast times (GMT/UTC):

December 25: 0:30, 3:30, 9:00, 11:30, 15:30, 18:00

DW (Europe):
December 25: 0:30, 3:30, 11:30, 15:30, 18:00

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