What can I do if I have problems receiving Deutsche Welle broadcasts from my TV provider? | FAQs about DW's TV offers | DW | 19.11.2021
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What can I do if I have problems receiving Deutsche Welle broadcasts from my TV provider?

If you receive DW broadcasts via one of our partners and are experiencing reception issues, please contact your cable or satellite provider directly.

Regional reception information is available at dw.com/reception.

In the first instance, please contact your provider directly about the issue. Often the issue is based on a local technical problem of the provider and cannot be solved by Deutsche Welle.

Please inform us as well if you are experiencing reception issues. We will need the following information:
Which cable provider do you have?
In which city and country are you receiving the channel and when did the problem begin?
What did your provider’s customer support tell you about the problem?
Which language version of the programming do you receive?

If you have further questions, please contact us: