Abusing the State? | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 20.09.2004
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Abusing the State?

German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder recently criticized Germans who abuse the country's welfare system. DW-WORLD readers comment on the issue.

Some treat the state like a free supermarket, Schröder says

Some treat the state like a free supermarket, Schröder says

It is difficult to explain the shock that there's a mentality that you should should claim state allowances whenever you can get them. Any rational person with even a passing acquaintance with human nature should foresee that this will occur. It comes from the fact that people believe that things like "government benefits" are free. They are not -- they derive from taxes. The US, which is flirting with creating a welfare state, should pay close heed to what is occuring in Germany- to avoid following that same path to national financial ruin. -- Manuel H. Rodriguez,

Schröder and his like minded party and fellow social leftists are the problem, not the solution. Of course he lacks credibility and power in pushing through these reforms without the massive revolt the public is demonstrating. Schröder represents the party that insists that since the social state can be conceived of, it must necessarily be viable in reality. Platonic idealists haven't the metaphysical capability to challenge an idea and will always blame its lack of success on details or on human nature. Human nature is not inherently untrustworthy, but it is entirely predictable. Citizens who have been told that their needs are their rights will feel in these circumstances that both are being violated. Those who bought in to such an ideology rightfuflly suffer under it. Those who obtained power on the basis of such outworn ideology and unfulfillable promises rightfully lose their credibility and right to leadership. -- Karen Klausmeyer

If "our leaders", in all countries, would practice what they preach and would take for themselves a fairer salary and less extra benefits, then their comments would not seem so hollow. -- Rosie Kelly, Ireland

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