Building Skills for Sustainable Growth | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 17.04.2013
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Building Skills for Sustainable Growth

Monday, 17 June, 4:00 p.m., Room C

Götz (Brandenburg): Auszubildende im 1. Lehrjahr im Grundlehrgang für Kfz-Mechatroniker im Zentrum für Gewerbeförderung in Götz bei Brandenburg/Havel (Foto vom 02.11.2004 zur Illustration des Themas Berufsausbildung, Lehrstellen). Die 1996 eröffnete Ausbildungsstätte ist die größte und modernste ihrer Art in der Region. Nach Angaben des Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertages (DIHK) wird jeder ausbildungswillige Jugendliche bis zum Jahresende versorgt sein. Laut Bundesagentur für Arbeit suchten Ende September noch 31.200 Jugendliche eine Lehrstelle. Aufgrund eines Lehrstellenmangels in den vergangenen Jahren hatten Regierung und Wirtschaftsverbände Mitte 2004 einen Ausbildungspakt geschlossen. Ziel des Paktes ist, 30.000 neue Lehrstellen zu schaffen und ein ausreichendes Ausbildungsplatzangebot zu sichern. Foto:Nestor Bachmann ZB

Hosted by Deutsche Welle

In the course of globalization, many corporations from industrialized countries have established branches in developing and emerging economies. They often find it difficult to find specialized personnel there. In many cases that's due to inadequate education systems, especially for skills training and follow-on education. So in a variety of ways, companies are themselves training and certifying local people for the vacancies they need to fill. They are also investing in local education systems to promote sustainable employment.

This workshop will consider ways to expand and improve vocational and occupational training. Development cooperation, commerce and media experts will present projects to drive sustainable progress of education in developing and emerging countries. How can their training and job markets be directed toward sustainable job creation and economic growth? Which didactic training models have produced positive results in practice and embrace young people's interests? And what role can international media take to convey knowledge?


Feilcke, Adelheid
Head of Culture Department, Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany


Spröer, Susanne
Head of Culture Background, Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany


Baur, Dr. Michaela
Head of Competence Centre TVET & Labour Market, Department of Economic Development and Employment, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn, Germany

Maguire, John
Director of International Development, Audiovisuel Extérieur de la France, Paris, France

Moore, Celia
Director, Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs, IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa, London, United Kingdom

Muhoho, Njoki
Executive Producer, Zebra Productions, Nairobi, Kenia

Complete session on soundcloud:
WS12 - Building Skills for Sustainable Growth