Commodities and Foreign Investors - Protecting the Rights of Communities and Preventing Conflict (the Chad Example) | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 21.03.2013
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Commodities and Foreign Investors - Protecting the Rights of Communities and Preventing Conflict (the Chad Example)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013, 4:00 p.m., Room C

Hosted by Bonn International Center for Conversion

The international economy depends on resources that are exploited in developing nations. Resource wealth is seen as a chance of development for poor countries. But foreign investors and corrupt governments are often more interested in profits than in the lives of the people. Ultimately, the local economy suffers, corruption undermines governance structures, the environment is destroyed and human rights of the inhabitants are violated.

When oil was found in Chad, hopes for a better future were high. Communities in the oil-rich area were promised better lives and the whole country was to benefit from the oil profits. Oil extraction was designed as a model project by the Chadian government and the World Bank to prove that good governance in the oil sector is possible. Ten years after the first oil started flowing in 2003, the communities' hopes for a better future have been shattered. Local conflicts have arisen from practices of monetary compensation. At the national level, the model of good governance has been altered and oil money has been used to bolster the army.

The workshop will focus on the following questions:

  • Why has oil wealth not translated into development for Chad?
  • How have ten years of oil extraction influenced conflicts in the country?
  • How is the local population coping with the oil industry in their neighborhood?
  • How can civil monitoring capacities of governments, civil society and international bodies be enhanced to better understand the ramifications of extraction of natural resources in conflict regions? How can they serve the media?
  • How can media convey information that contributes to educating and sensitizing the stakeholders in the region as well as consumers in the North?

The workshop will include presentations of maps and photographs as well as satellite monitoring capacities.


Guesnet, Lena
Researcher, Bonn International Center for Conversion, Germany


Djiraibe, Delphine
Co-Founder, Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, Chad

Horta, Dr. Korinna
International Finance, Human Rights and Environment Campaigner, Urgewald,Washington/Lisbon, United States/Portugal

Selg, Fabian
Freelance Researcher Associated to BICC, Bonn, Germany

Zint, Martin
Journalist, Mühltal, Germany

Complete workshop on soundcloud:

WS40 - Commodities and Foreign Investors - Protecting the Rights of Communities and Preventing