DW app for breaking world news | Mobile | DW | 22.06.2015
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DW app for breaking world news

Get unbiased, international news on the world’s most pressing issues. The free DW app for tablets, mobiles and the new Apple Watch keeps you up-to-date. It’s also the easiest way to connect and share opinions.

Get the latest headlines and in-depth coverage on everything from business, science and politics to arts, culture and sports.

The DW app provides you with the information you need to shape and understand your world - quick, direct, uncomplicated and completely ad-free right in your hands.

It also offers an easy way to connect with DW journalists, share your opinion and join the conversation on global issues.

Key features
- Offline mode for better accessibility
- Text mode for low-bandwidth access
- News at a glance on your Apple Watch
- Support for AirPlay (iOS)
- Support for Chromecast (Android)
- Push notifications
- Content in 29 languages
- Instant access to the latest news and headlines
- Stream all DW programming live
- On-demand audio and video content from the DW Media Center
- Breaking news teasers
- Functionality to let users upload videos and pictures

- Comments

- Live blogs

- Apple Watch improvements

- Performance optimization of the "Offline Mode“

DW is Germany's international broadcaster and a trusted source for reliable, unbiased news and information.

The DW app makes access to international news easier than ever, with articles, audio and video content. DW’s team of journalists reports from Europe and foreign bureaus around the world.

Germany has long been known for reliability, precision, efficiency, quality and innovation.

DW has wrapped all of these attributes into one app, to make sure that you don’t waste any of your precious time getting the news that you want.