FAQ | #mediadev | DW | 05.12.2018
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You have questions. We have answers. Browse our frequently asked questions below. If you still need additional information, we are happy to help. Email us and we will give you more information.

Why do I receive financial support for the project work?

The financial support of up to €2,000 is intended to facilitate your project work. It can, for instance, be used to cover costs associated with your research activities, such as data acquisition, honoraria of experts or flights and hotels. It may not, however, cover your direct personal costs.

(Note that flights and hotels to the training sessions and conferences are already covered. This is only for any extra travel that might be required for your project.)

Can teams apply?

Yes, applications from individuals or teams of 2 are equally welcome. The supporting budget of up to €2,000 is per project, not per individual.

What is expected from the project work?

The projects should showcase your data journalism skills and be highly visible in your home country. They can be a series of articles on a given topic, an interactive app, a news game or a data-driven investigation. We encourage you to replicate and adapt successful data-driven projects, such as a past data journalism award winner, to your local conditions.

Contact us at dw-akademie.dataship@dw.com if you have any questions.

Is a certificate of English proficiency required?

The minimum level of English required from fellows is B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. No certificate is required. However, finalists will have to complete a short (5-minute-long) English language test.

What if I don’t have a partner media organization?

Contact us at dw-akademie.dataship@dw.com and we’ll reach out to our network to find the best partner media organization for you.

What if I’m not a journalist?

Everyone is welcome to apply, provided that the eligibility criteria are met.

Even journalism students?


I’m from a non-OECD country but live in an OECD country, can I apply?

Contact us at dw-akademie.dataship@dw.com.

I’m an OECD national living in a non-OECD country, can I apply?

Contact us at dw-akademie.dataship@dw.com.

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