Guptara, Ranjeet | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 12.06.2013
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Guptara, Ranjeet

Research Associate, Transforming Business Project, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Referent Ranjeet Guptara auf dem Global Media Forum 2013

Ranjeet Guptara studied theology and banking and worked as a banker for seven years and as an entrepreneur for ten years. He is currently a research associate at the Transforming Business project at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

During his work in financial services, Guptara was responsible for managing portfolios valued at 300 million euros and completing mergers worth 5 billion euros. Guptara also co-founded the educational website and the Indian food group King's Kurry AG, which won the British-Swiss Business Award in 2012 for corporate social responsibility. He was awarded first place in the final presentations of the Swiss banking diploma, has completed two Master's degrees (at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, and Magdalen College, Oxford University). His current doctoral research examines economic systems and their relation to different world religions.

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