09/2017–03/2019 | Former trainees | DW | 13.09.2017
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Former trainees


Get to know our 2017–2019 trainees, learn what they are most interested in and who they would like to have a drink with.

Adonis Alkhaled

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Journalist from Damascus, survivor in wartime, curious person. And ready to discover.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
See: Various countries and people; Films: "The Book Thief" and "Prayers for Bobby".                   

Listen to: To people who made a difference.

Read: "The Prophet", "A new Earth", "All my Sons, The Plague. As much as you can.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
With both Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau.

The world really needs to see a report on…
A report about „getting Germanized”. 


Mira Maria Fricke

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
9 cities in 5 countries over the last 8 years. #movingexpert #homeiswheretheheartis #wannabewriter #radionotdead #sciencerocks.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
See: a glacier from above.

Listen to: the silence in the middle of a Masurian lake.

Read: the complete guestbook in an Icelandic mountain hut.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
Stephen Hawking.

The world really needs to see a report on…
Polish Vampires!


Patrick Große

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Grown up in the countryside. Voluntary work in Paris. Since then "amoureux de la France". Studies journalism. Worked for print and online.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
See: the Hanseatic cities of Riga and Tallinn.

Listen to: all ESC hits again and again!

Read: The first book I learned French with: "La Peste" by Albert Camus.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
the French journalist David Pujadas, Bastian Pastewka und Hape Kerkeling.

The world really needs to see a report on…
...the 100-year-old Mrs S., who I took care of for one year in a retirement home in Paris. Then she died because she couldn’t stand the death of her daughter who suffered from cancer.


Melina Grundmann

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Studied Literature, Culture and Journalism in the Ruhr area and in France. Journalistic stations were among others WDR and ZEIT WISSEN.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
See: the streets of Havana, the evening light in Lisbon, the Alhambra in Granada, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, and in general as many places as possible.

Listen to: „Die denkwürdige Geschichte der Kirschkernspuckerbande“, „Die Drei Fragezeichen“, the bubbling of a volcano while standing at the crater rim.

Read: „The Perks of Being a Wallflower“ by Stephen Chbosky, „The Catcher in the Rye“ by J.D. Salinger, „The Clown“ by Heinrich Böll, „Kafka on the Shore“ by Haruki Murakami, „Tschick“ by Wolfgang Herrndorf, „The old Man and the Sea“ by Ernest Hemingway, „Fabian“, by Erich Kästner, „The Picture of Dorian Gray“ by Oscar Wilde and many more.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
Martin Luther King, if he were alive.

The world really needs to see a report on…
… the hairdresser of Kim Jong-un.


Leonie von Hammerstein

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Across the world, always on the lookout for a bad pun and a good story #nextclueatDW.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
See: the cathedral in Mejorada del Campo near Madrid that was made from garbage and built by a single monk.

Listen to: everything produced by Radiolab; "Searching for Sugarman" by Rodriguez (and, if possible, his story too!)

Read: "Unspeakable Things" by Laurie Penny - it will turn you into an angry feminist (of the good kind); the Postillon-Newsticker (so you keep on laughing anyways); and "Returning to Reims" by Didier Eribon simply because it’s fantastic.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
Laura Poitras.

The world really needs to see a report on…
... digital gold farmers.


Lisa Hänel

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Born in the East, lived in nine cities, lost my heart in Canada, but my mind during the @DW assessment center, 18 months ahead to pick it up again #lifeinanutshell #vololife.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:

See: Black Mirror.

Listen to: Version of "Sweet Child o'mine" from Captain Fantastic.

Read: Kurt Tucholsky, every piece is great but especially "An das Publikum".

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
Hannah Arendt and Jürgen Domian.

The world really needs to see a report...
... that will finally explain the purpose of pets to me.


Dustin Hemmerlein

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
140 characters for characterization? A little short for Hashtags and cool self-referential stuff. Start: I´m journalist or I #try at least.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
Jasper Fforde | Shades of Grey.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
Dead? Terry Pratchett. Alive? John Tron.

The world really needs to see a report on…
Journalism-Trainees from the underground.


Lukas Hansen

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
#data #colombia # electronicmusic #literature #coffee #feminism #travel (this is how twitter works, right?)

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
Read: everything by Haruki Murakami.

Listen to: Pachanga Boys – Time.

See: Preikestolen in Norway.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
John Oliver.

The world really needs to see a report on…
Colombia but without using the word „drugs“.


Ajit Niranjan

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Briton in Germany. Supposedly-qualified civil engineer who should never be let near a building a site.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
See: Berchtesgaden in the Alps.

Listen to: the soundtrack to "The Pianist".

Read: "Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
the press baron Rupert Murdoch or the architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

The world really needs to see a report on…
our relationship with animals – a topic which is completely underrepresented in the media.


Tim Schauenberg

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
#cologne, #latinamerica, then nationalwide radio @DLF, now @DW #loveit. Love writing, journalist from conviction.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
See: “The enemy of men” at Schauspiel Köln; "Work hard play hard" by Carmen Losmann; "Buffalo 66" by Vincent Gallo.

Listen to: „The mashine“ – George Perec, „The Deal” – Paul Plamper.

Read: „Wild detectives“ Roberto Bolaño, „Kafka on the shore“ Haruki Murakami, “About the art to ask your boss for a pay raise.” George Perec.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
Donald Trump, Isabel Allende, Otto Katz, Egon Erwin Kisch, Hunter S. Thompson.

The world really needs to see a report on…
...a working class sport on global stage: In china the business with high performance carrier pigeons is booming. Breeder pay hundreds of thousand Euros for prizewinning pigeons, at racing days bet shops make millions.


Tessa Clara Walther

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Ball of energy. Sportsaddict. Fond of travelling. Shit cook.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
"Kangaroo Chronicles" by Marc-Uwe Kling.
"The 13 ½ Lives of Captain Bluebear" by Walter Moers.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
Judith-Butler. But preferably a rhubarb-squash.

The world really needs to see a report on…
non-binary people in Barbie exhibitions and transgender sex workers in Paris.

Evan Woodnorth

Yourself in a tweet: Who are you, in 140 characters?
Aspiring mushroom hunter. Whistler. Flâneur. Curious George. Germanist. Kiosk wanderer. Turkish coffee drinker. Writer. Photographer.

You should definitely have seen/listened to/read:
Seen: Ara Güler’s photography (especially of Old Istanbul); the 1997 Pizza Hut commercial starring none other than Mikhail Gorbachev; the view of Lake Superior from Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota, USA.

Listened to: Reggie Watts’ NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert; a live concert from mandolinist Chris Thile; “Moonshiner” by Bob Dylan.

Read: Dispatches from Paul Salopek’s "Out of Eden Walk"; Roald Dahl’s short stories; “This Is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams.

I would love to go for a beer (or mineral water) with:
I would love to grab an after-work beer (or better yet, a nightcap!) with Bernd das Brot. Bill Murray or Mark Twain wouldn’t be bad drinking companions either.

The world really needs to see a report on…
the interplay between food, place and identity.