New-Look Ad Agencies | DW's press releases | DW | 18.02.2013
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New-Look Ad Agencies

Showing on DW television in English, German and Spanish, starting on April 2

When we think of an ad agency, we imagine creative types working all night in their studios devising advertising campaigns. But nowadays more and more companies are channeling funds earmarked for advertising into their internet activities, which leads to smaller budgets for agency contracts. To make up this loss, several agencies have started producing what they advertise, with many agencies setting up their own product development departments. For example, the well-known and well-respected agency Kolle Rebbe from Hamburg now manufactures its own line of natural cosmetics. Made in Germany visited the successful ad agency.

TV magazine: Made in Germany
Find out more about the German and Spanish versions of the show.

Broadcast times (UTC/GMT):

In English

April 2 21:30
April 3 3:30, 9:30, 14:30
April 4 7:30, 8:00

DW (Europe)
April 3 3:00, 14:30
April 4 7:30, 18:00

In German

DW (Europe)
April 2 22:30
April 3 10:30

DW (Amerika)
April 2 22:00
April 3 2:00, 12:00, 18:00
April 4 15:30

DW (Asien)
April 3 1:00, 4:30, 16:00
April 4 6:30

In Spanish

DW (Latinoamérica)
April 3 1:00, 4:30, 16:00
April 4 6:30

EINSCHRÄNKUNG DW Personenfoto | Corporate Communications | Carla Hagemann

Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


T +49.228.429.2042