Shababtalk Arab World Tour | DW's press releases | DW | 04.05.2016
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Shababtalk Arab World Tour

In 2016, the Shababtalk team hits the road again to visit Qatar, Egypt, Algeria, the Palestinian territories, the U.A.E. and Iraq. The show reaches millions of viewers in the Arab World.

Jaafar Abdul Karim, host of DW Shababtalk

Jaafar Abdul Karim, host of Shababtalk

Last year, on a five-stop tour through Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Lebanon, Shababtalk faciliated dialogue on the unique issues pressing among young people in each of the respective countries. In March 2016, the Shababtalk team hit the road again.

Every country on the Arab World Tour is different, but everywhere young people seem to have one thing in common: the courage to express their opinions freely.

2016 - Doha, Qatar

In late April, DW's successful show "Shababtalk" visited Doha, capital city of Qatar. Host Jaafar Abdul Karim and his guests discussed allegations of bribery and inhumane treatment of workers in regard to the Football World Cup 2o22. Other topics were gender equality and the image of Qataris abroad.

Khalid Al Nemaa of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, which is responsible for the World Cup construction work, said there was no proof of corruption, just allegations. He also denied workers at the stadiums had died due to the difficult working conditions. Al Nemaa: "We've only had natural deaths."

2016 - Amman, Jordan

The team visited the Jordanian capital in late March. On the show, Jaafar Abdul Karim and his guests discussed the country's high unemployment rate. Hamada Abu Nejmeh, Secretary General of the ministry of labour, who shared his government's perspective on the issue, was heavily criticized by other guests on the panel as well as by members of the audience.

2015 - Baghdad, Iraq

Shababtalk took to the scorching streets of Baghdad for its first stop. Jaafar Abdul Karim wanted to hear what the capital city's young residents had to say about one of the biggest obstacles on the road to a peaceful Iraq - the country's religious divisions. Hundreds of audience-members crowded around the stage at Baghdad's Zawraa Park to watch activists discuss with government representatives.

2015 - Tunis, Tunisia

The show's second stop had a significant setting, the Bardo National Museum in Tunis, where a terrorist attack had killed 21 people only months before. There, Shababtalk took on the topic of extremism, asking its guests why more and more young Tunisians are being radicalized. "We keep noticing how important it is to be here to give the young people a voice," Jaafar Abdul Karim said after the show.

2015 - Rabat, Morocco

Shababtalk traveled to the capital city of Morocco to ask the question: Do young people have a say in the country's politics? Opinion was sharply split between guests. Politicians at the table pointed to the participation of many youth in recent elections. But a young podcast star said he had to record his own opinions because the country's elite "does not speak my language."

2015 - Cairo, Egypt

Shababtalk headed to Egypt, the country with its biggest fan base, for a much-needed and open discussion within a tense political atmosphere. The topic was everyday life and the conflict between the wishes of Egypt's youth and the traditional expectations placed upon them.

2015 - Beirut, Lebanon

For the final stop in 2015, Jaafar Abdul Karim returned to a country of his youth. The visit came not long after anti-corruption protests began to unfold in the capital - under the slogan, "You stink" - as the government failed to pick up the trash. In front of the "protest tent" where demonstrators camped for months, guests from the area of civil society expressed frustration with the extent to which church and state are intertwined in the country.

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